Personal Injury

We Will Fight For Victims Seeking Personal Injury Compensation

In some instances, personal injury attorneys focus solely on the injury and the economic damages they expect to obtain for their clients. Murphy & Murphy Attorneys focuses on your well-being, now and in the future, fully aware of the personal nature of physical harm. With over 30 years of practice, Murphy & Murphy Attorneys has learned that the same type of accident or diagnosis can result in vastly different damages based on the individual victim and his/her lifestyle. For each injury client, we evaluate every way in which the negligent actions of someone else diminished our client’s life and pursue maximum compensation for medical costs, lost wages, and necessary accommodations resulting from the injury. 

If you have been hurt through someone’s negligent or reckless actions, you have only one chance at justice. Murphy & Murphy Attorneys has the experience, skills, and determination to fight for that justice and the recovery you deserve.

Shaking Hand To Woman With Injury — Oklahoma City, OK — Murphy & Murphy Attorneys

For more information, or to schedule a FREE initial consultation, call us at 405-232-5873.

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